Pete Dyson on making transport more human

How can we make transport more human? On this episode, I'm exploring the human risk dynamics of transport — both from the perspective of the traveller, but also from the perspective of those who run and design transport networks and policy.
How can we make transport more human? On this episode, I'm exploring the human risk dynamics of transport — both from the perspective of the traveller, but also from the perspective of those who run and design transport networks and policy.
Every single one of us has reasons why we want to get from A to B and usually, we have to make choices about how we do that - whether we walk, cycle, drive a car, ride a motorbike, catch public transport or get on a plane. There’s human risk in the decisions we make around how we travel - for us and for others. Equally, those who design transport policy, manage networks and run travel operators also run human risk in what they do.
My guest on this episode is Pete Dyson. He’s a behavioural scientist who advises the UK’s Department of Transport on how to apply behavioural science in policy. And he’s the co-author of a fascinating new book Transport for Humans: are we nearly there yet?
The other co-author is Rory Sutherland, who has appeared on the show before. You'll find links to those episodes at the end of these show notes
In my discussion with Pete, we look at what travel means and how our views on it are shaped by influences that might not immediately be obvious. He’s got a host of anecdotes that I guarantee will make you think differently about travel and transport. And one of the things I find fascinating is that the ideas he shares aren’t just applicable to transport contexts. We can use the same thinking for areas like compliance and ethics.
To find out more about the book visit
Listener warning — there were some issues with the audio while recording, so the sound quality isn’t as high as it normally is. But I promise you that lower-quality audio is compensated for by really high-quality content.
Links to the previous episodes featuring Pete's co-author Rory Sutherland:
Rory on Compliance —
Rory Sutherland & Gerald Ashley on Networks —
Rory Sutherland & Gerald Ashley on Prosilience —